baca artikel utama tentang Kebenaran Saat Iblis Berkata Jujur (Kebenaran Tentang Iblis)

Rasulullah SAW lalu bertanya kepada Iblis: "Kalau kau benar jujur, siapakah manusia yang paling kau benci?" Iblis segera menjawab: "Kamu, kamu dan orang sepertimu adalah mahkluk Allah yang paling aku benci."
"Siapa selanjutnya?" tanya Rasulullah.
"Pemuda yang bertakwa yang memberikan dirinya mengabdi kepada Allah SWT."
"Lalu siapa lagi?"
"Orang Alim dan wara' (Loyal)"
"Lalu siapa lagi?"
"Orang yang selalu bersuci."
"Siapa lagi?"
"Seorang fakir yang sabar dan tak pernah mengeluhkan kesulitannnya kepada orang lain."
"Apa tanda kesabarannya?"
" Wahai Muhammad, jika ia tidak mengeluhkan kesulitannya kepada orang lain selama 3 hari, Allah akan memberi pahala orang-orang yang sabar".
"Selanjutnya apa?"
"Orang kaya yang bersyukur"
"Apa tanda kesyukurannya?"
"Ia mengambil kekayaannya dari tempatnya, dan mengeluarkannya juga dari tempatnya."
"Orang seperti apa Abu Bakar menurutmu?"
"Ia tidak pernah menurutiku di masa jahiliyah, apalagi dalam Islam."
"Umar bin Khattab?"
"Demi Allah setiap berjumpa dengannya aku pasti kabur."
"Usman bin Affan?"
"Aku malu kepada orang yang malaikat pun malu kepadanya."
"Ali bin Abi Thalib?"
" Aku berharap darinya agar kepalaku selamat, dan berharap ia melepaskanku dan aku melepaskannya. Tetapi ia tak akan mau melakukan itu." (Ali bin Abi Thalib selau berdzikir terhadap Allah SWT)
110 komentar: on "Orang Yang Paling Dibenci Oleh Iblis"
nice artikel neh... essip..
Subhanaloh,terimakasih ati jadi adem
Banyak sekali artikel2 yg bermanfaat di blog ini. Semoga banyak yg bisa mengambil hikmah dan manfaat setelah baca2 artikel di blog yg keren ini. Thanks bos!
terima kasih buat info nya,,,
sangat penting bagi kehidupan manusia khususnya umat muslim...
mksih ya :o:
mkzh artikel'y sangt mnarik bermnfaat sekli..............
makasih banyak buat informasinya
ini sangat bermanfaat
salam kenal ja
cipt banget buat infonya
buat nambah ilmu
.semoga kita termasuk orang-orang yang dibenci iblis
sangat bermanfaat
makasih ya udah share
salam kenal buat semuanya
semoga kita dapat mengamalkan apa yg di benci oleh iblis
terimakasih informasinya sangat mnarik dan sangat bermanfaat sekali...
subhanallah, semoga kau termasuk pada golongan - galongan seperti rasululah SAW dan sahabat rasul
terimakasih banyak atas blog ini, aku sangat menyukai blog ini.
Maha Besar Allah.. :r:
Semoga banyak orang yang mengunjungi artikel yang bermanfaat ini.. Aamiin
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By and by, through the perusing I've done and the experience I've had with the Keto diet, I've shaped my own decision that ketosis is sheltered
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Almost certainly, you get enough biotin normally in the nourishment you expend. Biotin insufficiency is accepted to be uncommon.1 Bacteria in the digestion tracts for the most part gives more than the body's every day prerequisites and biotin is likewise in an assortment of normal nourishments.
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Tetrogen INC fabricated the GC supplement and contained GC extricate 1000 mg (institutionalized to half HCA) and Potassium 150 mg per serving (2 cases) .GC is a tropical natural product that develops in Southeastern Asia and Western Africa and contains dynamic fixing HCA [1, 2, 22]. Concentrates in both exploratory mice and people have demonstrated fat misfortune and reduction in body weight.
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Moving to a new home is a significant milestone, and at Packer Movers Dubai, we understand that it’s more than just shifting boxes. It’s about creating a seamless and stress-free experience that allows you to focus on the excitement of your new chapter
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I just read your article about bulk bags with ventilation, and I found it incredibly insightful! The importance of airflow in bulk packaging cannot be overstated, especially for products that are sensitive to moisture and temperature.
Bulk bags with ventilation are a game changer for industries like agriculture, food processing, and construction. By allowing air to circulate, they help prevent the buildup of moisture and reduce the risk of spoilage or degradation of the materials inside. This is particularly crucial for items like grains, fertilizers, and powders that can clump or lose quality when exposed to humidity.
I also appreciate how you highlighted the customization options available with these bags. Different applications may require varying levels of ventilation, and having the ability to tailor the design to fit specific needs is a huge advantage. This flexibility not only enhances product integrity but also improves storage and transportation efficiency.
Moreover, the fact that these bags can be reused and are often made from durable materials adds to their appeal. It’s great to see solutions that are both practical and environmentally friendly, aligning with the growing focus on sustainability in packaging.
Thanks for sharing such valuable information! I’m excited to see how ventilated bulk bags continue to evolve and help businesses improve their operations.
PVC tree guard
Great article on PVC tree guards! I really appreciate the insights on their benefits, especially in protecting young trees from harsh weather and animal damage. It's impressive to see how these guards can contribute to better growth and sustainability. I'm curious if there are any specific maintenance tips for ensuring their longevity? Thanks for sharing
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ISO 27001 Certification in Jeddah by Qualitcert: Ensuring Information Security Excellence
In today's fast-paced, digitally-driven world, information security has become a top priority for organizations across the globe. One of the most effective ways to safeguard sensitive data and mitigate potential risks is by obtaining ISO 27001 certification. For businesses in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, Qualitcert offers comprehensive ISO 27001 certification services, ensuring your organization meets the highest standards in information security management.
What is ISO 27001?
ISO 27001 is an international standard that provides a framework for establishing, implementing, maintaining, and continually improving an Information Security Management System (ISMS). This certification helps businesses protect their information assets by identifying potential threats, ensuring the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of data, and promoting best practices in information security.
Why Choose Qualitcert for ISO 27001 Certification?
At Qualitcert, we are committed to helping businesses in Jeddah achieve ISO 27001 certification through a streamlined process. Our expert consultants guide you through each step, from initial assessment to successful certification. Here's why Qualitcert stands out:
• Expert Guidance: Our team of experienced professionals will help you understand the certification requirements and ensure your organization implements the right strategies for information security management.
• Comprehensive Support: We offer end-to-end support, from risk assessments and gap analysis to training and post-certification audits, ensuring you stay compliant with ISO 27001 standards.
• Tailored Solutions: We understand that every business is unique. Qualitcert provides customized solutions that align with your specific needs, helping you implement a robust ISMS that fits your organization.
The Benefits of ISO 27001 Certification
Obtaining ISO 27001 certification in Jeddah brings numerous benefits to your organization, including:
• Enhanced Information Security: Protect sensitive data from potential breaches and cyber threats.
• Reputation Boost: Demonstrate your commitment to information security to clients, partners, and stakeholders.
• Regulatory Compliance: Meet the legal and regulatory requirements related to information security.
• Competitive Advantage: Stand out in the market as a trusted business partner that prioritizes data protection.
Get Started with Qualitcert Today
If you're ready to take the next step towards enhancing your information security practices, Qualitcert is here to assist. Contact us today to begin your ISO 27001 certification journey in Jeddah.
Reach out to us:
• Email:
• Phone: +91-9686433300
• Website:
Don't leave your data security to chance – choose Qualitcert for a seamless ISO 27001 certification process that secures your organization's future.
For businesses in Jeddah seeking ISO 27001 certification, Qualitcert provides the expertise and support you need to protect your most valuable asset – your information.
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