
Suatu hari ada perbincangan antara anak dan ibunya
si ibu bertanya pada anaknya
Ibu : nak , kalau sudah besar mau jadi apa?
anak : Polwan bu!
Ibu : Tidak Boleh !!!
anak : kalau begitu aku mau jadi pramugari bu !
Ibu : Tidak boleh !!!
anak : kalau tidak boleh juga , aku mau jadi suster saja bu
Ibu : Tidak boleh !!!
anak : (sambil menangis

Ibu : (menangis lebih keras) Karna kamu itu laki" BAMBANG!

563 komentar: on "Perbincangan antara anak dan ibunya"
«Terlama ‹Lebih tua 1 – 200 dari 563 Lebih baru› Terbaru»:i: :i:
wah parah niy..ngakak bacanya
nice.... lcu banget gan ane ngakak bacane...
:) :) :)
ceritanya benar" lucu bro, ane sampe ngakak bacanya
namanya Bambang to...:i:
Kocak juga nih, keren, komentar juga ya ke blog saya myfamilylifestyle.blogspot.com
Hahaahaha, lucu banget ya kalo gitu.Makasih sharenya
nice post
thanks atas informasinya
haha,, kocak-kocak lucu banget he
parah...parah...wkwkkwkwkwk :i:
mampir ketempat ane jg gan...thx
ada" saja...
ngakak sob
agen tiket pesawat
lucu dan menghibur, ikuti juga info menarik di blog saya www.goocap.com
bener2 lucu gan !!! wkwkwkwek
hahah lucu banget
Lumayan nih ceritannya, terimakasih
hai gan
yuk upload juga postnya di Tanyain.com agar dapat lebih banyak pengunjung :)
hayo semangat! ditunggu postingan2 berikutnya ;)
Sangat bermanfaat, terimakasih atas beritanya
kocak gan !!
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Obat Radang Otak Pada Anak
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Obat Darah Tinggi
Obat Radang Amandel
Obat Sakit Kencing
Obat Pengencer Darah
Obat Kanker Nasofaring
Obat TBC Herbal
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Obat Herbal Anemia Aplastik
Obat Herbal Infeksi Lambung
i agree with you :-)
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kunjungan pertama, salam perkenalan
wakakaak, singkat padat jelas dan berisi, isi daging semua mas, lanjuuuttt yaa :D
walau tidak pertamak saya coba komen gan heheh
keren gan informasinya
ngakak ane baca postingannya :v
article you is very nice, i'm so happy this read :)
article you is very nice, i'm so happy this read :)
I like your article, I'll wait for the next article :)
Terimakasih untuk informasi dan kolom komentarnya gan
Terimakasih untuk informasi dan kolom komentarnya gan
article you wrote is very nice and pleasant to read, thank you for the information.
anytime i always take the time to read your article.
menarik sekali nih informasinya kawan :) asik untuk di simak, tidak membosankan tentunya :)
artikel anda bagus sekali
artikel anda bagus sekali
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Di tunggu update artikelnya gan
Hahahaha.... ngakak abiiis... yaialaaah Bambaang... :D
hahaha... kacau nih si bambang.. :D sumpah kocak. dikira dusuruh jadi suster tuh anak :p
Wahahaha ,stress pun hilang...
Ahahaaa, laki-laki koq cita-citanya pekerjaan perempuan semua..
Ada perbedaan yang besar antara orang yang bersemangat yang ingin membaca buku dan orang yang lelah yang menginginkan sebuah buku untuk dibaca.
Matahari boleh-boleh saja berhenti bersinar, tukang bapaw bisa saja berhenti berjualan, tapi tidak dengan cintaku padamu.
mikum . . numpang promo yaa . . :-)
Informasi akhir pekan yang menarik dan bermanfaat. Terimakasih telah berbagi
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thank's for share, great post..
whaha lucu :D
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thanks infonya
sangat bermanfaat sekali
salam semangat
Keren . . Ditunggu artikel menarik nya lagi ya . . :f:
:l: komentar apa yaaa :i: hihihi
ijin nitip lapak gan
ijin nitip lapak gan
Hahaha, bambang bambang!!!
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Haha good artikel... Lucu
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Never give up, which is the lesson I learned from boxing. As soon as you learn to never give up, you have to learn the power and wisdom of unconditional surrender, and that one doesn't cancel out the other; they just exist as contradictions. The wisdom of it comes as you get older. Source ;
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Brilianpost :)
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Brilianpost :)
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Brilianpost :)
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Never give up, which is the lesson I learned from boxing. As soon as you learn to never give up, you have to learn the power and wisdom of unconditional surrender, and that one doesn't cancel out the other; they just exist as contradictions. The wisdom of it comes as you get older.
If you really believe in what you're doing, work hard, take nothing personally and if something blocks one route, find another.
Thanks for the post. Back to nature !!
You just never give up, no matter how hard the challenges are, and observe this world with a healthy dose of criticism and don't just follow the herd like somebody else might do.
When you get into a tight place and everything goes against you, till it seems as though you could not hang on a minute longer, never give up then, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn.
On one hand, we know that everything happens for a reason, and there are no mistakes or coincidences. On the other hand, we learn that we can never give up, knowing that with the right tools and energy, we can reverse any decree or karma.
wah parah nih..ngakak bacanya
This information is very interesting, thanks.
:)) bener" dah...
Thaks for your information, this is very interesting..
Thank you for all that you have given to me, hopefully all of these are useful for all of us.
There are no right and wrong ways to work in this business, but there are some basic common-sense practices. Work very, very hard and always be prepared; never give up; and once you get the job, give them more than they ever expected: - Shine !!!
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Survival can be summed up in three words - never give up. That's the heart of it really. Just keep trying.
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Kasian si bambang....
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:)) kat bodor
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Thanks for your posted and be wait for another the post.
rame euyy :))
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thanks for the informations,,
sangat menarik..
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ada adfa aja
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If you feel alone, believe you're not lonely but still many people loved you and Alloh SWT always with you,,
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Welcome Ramadhan .. ^^
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be grateful,, Marhaban yaa Ramadhan..
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hahaha... lucu
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let's talk do more.
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